Friday, December 02, 2005

Ho finito!


This is the last post I will have for this blog. I set this blog up for class so that I wouldn't terrorize my classmates with some of my, er, kinkier exploits. Not that there have been that many. Still, better safe than sorry for the academic environment.

Anyhoo, if you think you might like to continue reading about my sordid little life, you can catch me on my regular blog.

Ci vediamo, ragazzi!


Well, more like Winter Cheers. Here is a video that I thought was hilarious. Just imagine that you live next to this guy during the Christmas Season. The video is in Windows Media format (.wmv), so you will at least need that to view it. Enjoy The Wizards of Winter!

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Ok, I was looking over the past week and realized that, other than my essays, there have been no regular posts. Ooops. I blame the holidays, the end of the quarter drawing near, and impending graduation. With all that going on, as well as looking for the perfect boyfriend, blogging sorta slipped my mind. Ooops, again.

Ok, so now I need to include one weeks worth of fun in one post. Hmmm, what to talk about? Bar hopping? Whoring? Survival of the holidays? Ah, I know!

Me mum told me she would take me out to any restaurant I choose celebrate my graduating high school. Er, college. So I thought about it, checked around and decided on Rigsby's Kitchen. Yah, I know, it's a little pricey (30 - 50 dollars a person) but I hear it's a great place to eat. There is an ulterior motive, which I may have mentioned in a past post. If I did, I canna remember.

Well, let's see. I survived the holiday with minimal scarring. I figured there would be more, especially after last summer's fiasco, but, alas, I survived. What happened, you ask? Let's see, I went to Chicago last summer for a party at a friend's place. Just to make a long story short, I had a little too much to drink, decided I could walk backwards, talk, and drink at the same time, slipped, fell, and sliced open the back of my skull. Let's see, I ended up with 20+ stitches and an excruciating headache. It's only just recently that I could bend my head forward without feeling the scar tissue pull.

I found a new place to hang out. It's called the Columbus Eagle. My friend, Sister Helene, calls it a hole in the wall. Yet, that seems to be the whole reason I like it. It's never very crowded, but it does get busier as the night goes on. My favorite night in Moanday. There's a free movie at 9:30 pm, free popcorn, and no cover charge. Then, after the movie, there's some lite entertainment. So, now that's my new Moanday night hangout. Good thing there are no classes on Tuesday!

I still need to finish my grad school apps. Going to have to do that tonight. I told my professors that I would have the paperwork for letters of recommendation by Moanday. Guess what, that's tomorrow. GRRRR. I shoulda done it yesterday, but I was caught up trying to get my photography assignment done. Then it was dinner at mum's place. By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything.

What else? For the first time in 6 months, I wasn't at my usual drinking hole on Thursday. Holiday's suck. Hope Kyle didn't miss me too much, if he even worked.

Well, time's a wastin' and I have one more post to go before I can do my thing.

Ci vediamo, ragazzi!

Essay: Pictures through Time (partito tre)

Alas, no pictures. I'm sorry, everyone. I got the prints out, put them in the scanner, then hit the magic button. Niente. The thing is running, but no images are making it to the computer. Grrr. I tried rebooting, reloading the software, deleting and reloading the hardware profile. Still, niente. I finally noticed little kitty cat bite marks in the cord running from the scanner to the PC. BUTTHEAD!


Trust me, there isn't anything innocent about this cat. When something goes wrong, he's at the heart of it all. Anyway, back to the pictures. Since I can't give you actual images, I'll talk about the different types.

First was the daguerreotype, created by M. Daguerre. With the backing of the French government, he discovered how images could be captured using a very complex process. One exposure could take up to 20 minutes to create, and that was before the print was developed. Hmmm, print is probably not the best word for this type of picture. These pictures were created on a cardboard material that, once developed, were extremely fragile. There also was no way for more than one image to be created. Once the shot was done, that was the only image you could get out of it. This was the only process for a long time, then shortly after Daguerre's death, the paper negative was discovered. This new process allowed for multiple prints to be created using one negative.

One common usage of the paper negative, for a while, was the carte de visite. I have a ton of carte de visite. These are pictures that were taken to give out to guests when they came to visit. The prints were trimmed then glued to cardboard cards. They are similar to business cards of today, but much more personal. If I remember correctly, the carte de visite was made using a large negative and a special camera with multiple lenses. Each lens focused on a different plane and created multiple images on one negative (can't remember how many). Pretty effective. One shot and at least 3 prints.

A lot of pictures were taken in the studio. However, around the Civil War photographers set out to photograph the American West. This started a round of nature photography that hasn't gone away. One picture I have is extremely fragile. It is a shot of a woman standing next to a wooden fence with a deer nuzzling her outstretched hand. What makes the print unique is that there is still a lot of silver on the print. When it is held at an angle to the light the print takes on a bright sheen. It was recommended that I find some archival laminate and laminate the picture to protect it. Oh, and definitely keep it out of long light exposure.

This would have been quite a photo feast, if it hadn't been for the evil Butthead:


How could such a sweet looking cat be such trouble? Just look at the eyes, look deeply into the eyes. It's like staring into the abyss. Can you see the calculating, cunning mind behind those eyes? He is chaos barely maintained in a fur coat.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Essay: Pictures through Time (partito due)

Last time we looked at some of my family pictures and discussed how pictures allowed us to see members of our family that we never would have had a chance to see. For instance, family members from over 100 years ago or our great grandparents when they were younger. They also allow us to see family members who we should have met, but died quite young.

Dorothy Stine

This is a picture of my maternal grandmother. She died when my mother was less than a year old. Since we never met, I can only go on what others in my family had to say about her. Evidently, she and my mother shared a lot of the same characteristics. They even resemble each other. Enough so that when I saw the picture for the first time, I really thought it was my mother. It is the only picture of my grandmother that we have, which makes it that much more precious.

Like I said, I was young, so it never occurred to me that the age of the picture predated my mother's birth. If you know what you are looking for, you can tell the age of the picture by looking at the coloration. I'm going to have to check to be 100% accurate, but I don't think portrait studios had color negatives at that point or, if they did, there was a limited range of colors available. A lot of times, after the picture was taken, the photographer would "color" the picture using special inks. This gave the photograph the appearance of a painting, even when it isn't.

Then there is my Aunt Judy. She died when she was 18, about 3 years before I was born. Here are the pictures of her:

Aunt Judy
As a baby. Note: the photographer actually signed the picture in pencil.

Aunt Judy at 4
At about 3 or 4, not sure which

Aunt Judy senior picture
Senior Picture

Of course, not to let my mother get away, here is a picture of her and Aunt Judy together:

Mom and Aunt Judy
Mom and Aunt Judy

Mom and Aunt Judy
Mom's senior picture

Alas, I shouldn't let myself escape from this picture fest. Most people will never know what I looked like when I graduated high school, so here is my senior picture, when I was young and beautiful and fifty pounds lighter (but we won't go there):

It's ME!

It's interesting to note that, had this been just over 150 years ago, none of this would have been possible. I would never have known what my grandmother and aunt looked like, nor would I have been able to see what my mother looked like when she graduated high school. Of course, you would never have known what a real studly I was (not!).

Of course, some pictures never existed. I had a twin brother who died in childbirth. There are no pictures of him; but, being an identical twin I never have to wonder what he would've looked like. All I have to do is look at a picture of myself, or look in a mirror, and I see him. Sometimes, if I look at a picture, I can imagine that it is him I am seeing and not me.

Once, just to see what it would look like, I took two images of myself and combined them into one picture using Paint Shop Pro. It's amazing how powerful pictures can be. At that one moment, more than any other, I missed having him around. Realized how different my life would've been if he had lived. It was such a powerful emotional surge that I couldn't bear to keep the picture and I deleted it. I have never attempted that again.

I imagine that my mother feels the same way when she looks at pictures of her own mother, my grandmother. How different her life would have been had she lived. How different would life have been for all of us if my Aunt Judy had lived. It is a lot easier to look at pictures of people you would never have known rather than pictures of people you should have known and never did.

Okay, enough of the emotional dribble. Next, we'll look and talk about some of the oldest pictures I have. I don't have any daguerreotypes, but I do have pictures that were created using the next generation of photography onward. They are still my family, but they cover a wide range from portrait studios with elaborate sets to carte de visite to and even 1 nature shot (if I can get it scanned correctly).

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Essay: Pictures through Time (revised)

Ooops, I was just told that I made a serious faux pas with the first picture, the family in Oregon. The bearded man is on the right, not the left. I guess I was thinking their left and not my left. Sorry for the confusion! Anyway, I tried to lighten the picture to make him more visible, but the software I use at home is from MicroCrap, so whaddya expect? If I could find my PaintShop Pro CD, I might have better luck.

I did have a couple questions regarding my great grandparents and why they weren't smiling in either portrait. According to this documentary I saw once upon a midnight dreary, to smile in the late 1800s early 1900s meant that you were up to no good. Smiling was usually seen on people who sold snake venom as medicine, and used car salemen today! Not smiling was a convention of the generation they lived in and not necessarily of portrait making. I have seen home pictures of them smiling: at Christmas, family get togethers, and other less formal events. Just never with portraits like what I've posted.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Essay: Pictures through Time

Pictures. We take them for granted, we see them all the time, and some of us are even amateur photographers. They surround us in our everyday lives but none of really stop and think how amazing they really are. Amazing in a way that few of us will ever get a chance to understand.

Why do I say that? Because, how many of you have pictures of family members from over 100 years ago? I'm sure that we have all seen pictures from 50 to 60 years ago when our grandparents started to collect pictures of family; but, have you ever found a really old picture (from 1867) and wondered who they were? What they might have been like? Are they really family???

I guess I am fortunate that I have in my possession such pictures. I remember looking at them when I was younger and wondering just those things. I'd grill my mother incessantly about them, learning the family history. Well, as much as she knew, anyway. Then I'd talk to my great aunt Edith, who, obviously, knew more than my mother.

Still, there are people whom I cannot figure out:

Family in Oregon

All this picture says is that it is the "family in Oregon". There is no date on the picture, but we guess it is somewhere around 1900. We're pretty sure that the bearded man on the left (who cannot be seen that well) is my great grandfather Stine's brother or uncle. No one is really sure which. Not even my Aunt Edie remembers that much about the family that moved to Oregon.

However, I do know who this lovely couple is:

Wedding Pic

This is my great grandmother and grandfather Stine on their wedding day. Oh, how the gene pool has thinned since then. They were married until their deaths in the 1960s, so the pic was probably taken just before 1900. Here is a picture taken of them in their final years:

Golden Years

Chances are I never would have met anyone in these pictures. Yet the prints allow me to see what they looked like and talking to others in my family tells me a little about what they were like in life. Poor substitute for the real thing, but I'll take what I can get.

Of course, there are those prints of people who I should have known and never did. We'll take a look at those in my next post.

Another Thursday flies by

Well, another Thursday has come and gone and, I'm sad to say, I have no new and exciting adventures to tell you. Kyle was working but he was training a new bartender, hopefully NOT his replacement, so I didn't get to harass him too much. Howie was working the other end of the bar, so he was too far away. I will mention that Howie is still in his summer attire. Fool! As cold as it was last night his nads must've pulled back up into his abdomen and he had to have a terrible case of shrinkage. Howie, darling, if you're too cold, come over here. I was WAY too warm last night.

The only other thing of consequence last night was the cute guy that was hitting on me. Guess he must've been drunk. Way too drunk if he was hitting on me. I probably would've flirted back if his breath didn't smell like he'd been eating ass all night. And nasty ass at that. I talked to him for a while, trying to stay upwind, and then he left. Maybe next time I see him his breath will be better.

I also saw one of my Nathan's again. He was looking good. Guess he finally got over his break up with his boyfriend. Jeff was there and I talked to him for a while. Then I left about 10:30 or so.

Why, do you ask? I know Kyle did: "Leaving already?"

Yeah, had to go with some friends to watch the new Harry Potter movie. It was the midnight showing, so I had a an hour to sober up. I won't mention much about the movie right now. Let's just say that it held true to the book. There were a few things missing, but nothing key to the plot. I think we're set up for the next movie, whenever it comes out.

Let's see. I got home at 4:00 am, got to sleep at 4:30, then overslept and got up at 1 in the pm. Ooops, so much for my photography class.

Well, must go. I have a statement of purpose to finish writing and a draft of a writing sample to get cracking on. I'm about 1/2 done with the writing sample, but I'm not sure if I can stretch out the paper much more. Guess I'll give it a shot.

Ciao tutti!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Toronto, to start

Well, I spoke with one of my profs about the University of Toronto. Evidently it is one of the best universities in North America for Medieval Lit. Of course, since it is the best it is also one of the hardest to get in to. Hmmm. Decided to wait for my PhD to try to get into there. By then, I'll have proved myself with my Masters degree and will be ready to tackle the big boys. (hehe)

What else? Well, I've applied to OSU, OU, and Notre Dame so far. I think I'm also going to try for Michigan State, Purdue, and Wright State. Wright State is my fall back school. Y'know, the one you know you can get in to, but is not your first, second, or third choice.

Let's see. This weekend is the big Michigan - OSU game. I'm "supposed" to go to the Union Station on Saturday with the guys to watch the game. I warned them that EVERY TIME I watch the Buckeyes play from there they LOSE. EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! Did they believe me? Of course not. So, if they lose, it's not my fault. Blame Ron.

Wait, didn't I already mention this in another blog entry?

Now what? Hmmm, tomorrow is Thursday! Time for more adventures in the big city. Hmmm, what kind of trouble can I get in to? I know a few things, but they may be too racy for a blog.

Of course, no adventures until I get my Statement of Purpose drafted. It "shouldn't" take all day, but I think it might. I don't know what to say about myself. Should I say I'm into Faeries? (Perverts, get your minds outta my gutter!) Get personal, but not too personal. Be informative, but don't give away too much. Less is more, but I need enough for two pages. CRAP.

Tutti, ho un male di testa. I'm going to take some aspirin, curl up under a blanket with that special no one (sigh), and watch the tele. Buona sera!

Oh, almost forgot. I got a comment from Benjamin Nicholas!!! Happy dance, happy dance! Just so I can cherish the comment even more, here it is:

Nice blog...

Always nice to see what others are enjoying about what you write :)

Thanks much for keeping an eye on 15 Minutes!

Benjamin Nicholas

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Grad School Madness

Tutti, sorry it has been so long since I wrote anything. You are all probably what adventures I have been having. Guess what! NIENTE!!! I've been focusing on my GRE, getting grad school applications filled out, working on a writing sample, a statement of intent, and trying to remember why the hell I put my last resume. Not to mention maxing out by credit card trying to get all the fees paid for everything.

Did you know that some schools offer a discount if you get your application in before December 1? Notre Dame is $35 before December 1 and $50 after that date. SO, when you all get the itch for grad school, it pays to start as early as you can. Who knows what discounts you'll find.

You'll probably be interested to know that I spent all day Saturday, all night Monday, and will be spending all day today working on grad school materials. Not to mention that I need to start prepping for the GRE. I'm scheduled to take it on December 13, so that gives me "some" time. Grrr. This had SO better be worth it.

BTW- Does anyone have any feedback, good or bad, on the University of Toronto? I'm seriously considering applying there, but I don't want to screw myself over. I'll let someone else do that! ;P

Well, kittens, this stuff ain't gettin' done on it's own. Wish it would, since I still have a lot of reading to do. Not to mention that I would like to be done with the majority of this by Saturday so I can go watch the Buckeyes (win/lose) from the Union Station with my friends. I warned them that everytime I watch the Buckeyes play from there they lose, but they just shrugged it off. So, I'm warning you all, it's not my fault! You can blame Ron for this disaster!

Ciao, tutti!