Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Toronto, to start

Well, I spoke with one of my profs about the University of Toronto. Evidently it is one of the best universities in North America for Medieval Lit. Of course, since it is the best it is also one of the hardest to get in to. Hmmm. Decided to wait for my PhD to try to get into there. By then, I'll have proved myself with my Masters degree and will be ready to tackle the big boys. (hehe)

What else? Well, I've applied to OSU, OU, and Notre Dame so far. I think I'm also going to try for Michigan State, Purdue, and Wright State. Wright State is my fall back school. Y'know, the one you know you can get in to, but is not your first, second, or third choice.

Let's see. This weekend is the big Michigan - OSU game. I'm "supposed" to go to the Union Station on Saturday with the guys to watch the game. I warned them that EVERY TIME I watch the Buckeyes play from there they LOSE. EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! Did they believe me? Of course not. So, if they lose, it's not my fault. Blame Ron.

Wait, didn't I already mention this in another blog entry?

Now what? Hmmm, tomorrow is Thursday! Time for more adventures in the big city. Hmmm, what kind of trouble can I get in to? I know a few things, but they may be too racy for a blog.

Of course, no adventures until I get my Statement of Purpose drafted. It "shouldn't" take all day, but I think it might. I don't know what to say about myself. Should I say I'm into Faeries? (Perverts, get your minds outta my gutter!) Get personal, but not too personal. Be informative, but don't give away too much. Less is more, but I need enough for two pages. CRAP.

Tutti, ho un male di testa. I'm going to take some aspirin, curl up under a blanket with that special no one (sigh), and watch the tele. Buona sera!

Oh, almost forgot. I got a comment from Benjamin Nicholas!!! Happy dance, happy dance! Just so I can cherish the comment even more, here it is:

Nice blog...

Always nice to see what others are enjoying about what you write :)

Thanks much for keeping an eye on 15 Minutes!

Benjamin Nicholas


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