Sunday, October 30, 2005

Essay 2: What Makes a Good Blog (partito due)


In our quest to determine what makes a good blog, we looked at the delightful Chad Fox and discussed some of his amazing stories. More importantly, we determined that his blog is good simply because of his writing style AND that they seem to detail his surreal San Francisco existence.

Next we'll look at Daigle and his blog. To give a little background, Daigle is a friend of Chad Fox, and both live in San Francisco. In his short 23 years, Daigle has had an interesting life. However, we're not reading the fun blog, which I won't even give a link to. That one is XXX-rated. More so than any I have read thus far.

So, what is good about Daigle's blog? Well, this one is funny but perverse. This post isn't so funny, but goes to show what can happen in life. But his latest blog explains that this one blog he posts in is just for "random shit". And random it certainly is.

But, is it any good? Yes and no. Certainly the ones I pointed you to are funny and delightful or appear to be good to me. However, there are some that do nothing for me at all. For instance, this one probably would have more meaning to me if I were in the Coast Guard. I am not, so I found this post deadly dull. To be honest, I didn't even read all of it.

Why did I not find his entire blog interesting? Hmmm. Good question. Possibly because he doesn't write about things that are interesting to me. More than that, some of his posts don't use good grammar and syntax. As an English major, this tends to set my teeth on edge. When it is done right, the use of bad grammar and syntax can appear to be part of the story. Even I use this "writing tool" on occasion. However, it doesn't work with Daigle. It just comes across as uneducated, in a bad way.

SO, two things we have so far as to what makes a good blog is 1) The post needs to be interesting to the reader and 2) The grammar and syntax need to work, whether it is intentionally bad or not.

In the next post we'll look at another blog and see if we can use the above criteria to critique it. We'll also see if we can't and additionally criteria we can pull out of the next blog to add to the list.


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