Saturday, October 22, 2005

So far behind

Yeah, that about covers it. This whole week has been one hectic pain in the arse. To top it off, I have to go dogsit at a place that doesn't have internet access. So, I thought I'd at least put down a few things before I disappear.

Hmmm, my birthday went by so boringly unspectacular that I wonder if it really happened. Yeah, it did. It had to have, otherwise I was hungover on Friday for no good reason. I won't go into the gory details. Let's just say I have this feeling I did something that I'm either going to regret later, or be totally embarrased about. I just don't remember! Sometime between 11 and 1:30 am I just know I did/said something. DMAN! I hate fuzzy memories. Well, not really. Memories that give me the warm fuzzies are ok, but my memories from that night reflect the weather: cold, wet, and sloppy.

C'est la vie! Time moves on. Guess I'll have to ask either Kevin, if I see him, or wait 'til Thursday when I see Kyle again.

Well, poochie is probably getting frantic. Better get my caffeine fix and head out.

Ciao, tutti!


Blogger Lewis said...

Hmmm. . . . Sick as I have been, we attended Parents Weekend at my daughter's college and entrusted our sweet, 10-year-old black Lab mix to a dog sitter who was "trying out" owning a dog. She has decided against it. Max was her usual sweet and protective self, but the dog sitter didn't take to being licked constantly, followed around, awakened in the night by protective barks, and robbed (Max apparently snatched an unattended hunk of turkey bacon, something she doesn't get to do in a vegetarian household :-).

23 October, 2005 09:49  

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