Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday Night Blues

Yeah for me, I created 29 prints in 5 hours with only 3 of them not turning out!!! WOOHOO! On the flip side, all the photographic chemistry has given me something of a headache, but what can ya expect?

Now I've got to go thru and touch up the prints. That kind of thing is not condusive to relieving the headache. Mebbe a little food will help.

Back in a few...

(and time passes)

Ooops, so much for Tuesday night. Well, at least I fell better. Nothing like a little chow and some sleep to make a body good.

Hmmm, not much to talk about, I guess. Don't really want to go over the sordid details of last weekend. Today is the day that I have my only midterm. Go figure it would be in Chaucer. Ugh. All the stories are blending together. Guess I'm going to need to review a little more about which pilgrim told which tale so far.

On a not so happy note:

"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me-e, happy birthday to me!"

Gods, turning 32 is a pain in the arse. Especially when I feel 52. Hmpf. If I'm going to feel this crappy, at least I should have overindulged the night before. Must be the residue of the fumes from the darkroom. Wonder how toxic those chemicals really are...

Ugh, feel like I need a hair cut. Well, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Well, better run. If I'm going to make it to class on time I need to get ready.

Alla prossima, ragazzi!


Blogger JC said...

Saluti, Sounds like you need a bottle of "medicine" and a good week of vacation. Birthdays suck.

19 October, 2005 17:07  
Blogger Lewis said...

And what exactly is wrong with 52? It's been a pretty good year for me so far (only 11 more days to go!). You better switch to digital if you want to make it that far :-).

PS: Where are the pictures?

19 October, 2005 18:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For everything you gain, you are bound to lose something. This rule of life has not been failing in making a lot of people realize that expect something wrong when everything seems right.

01 December, 2005 18:38  

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