Friday, September 30, 2005

The night after

Ever had one of those days when you had fun the night before and were still buzzing with it the next day? That's me, today. Actually, tonight. 24 hours after I get home from a night of Long Islands at the Union Station and I still feel slightly drunk. I mean, come on. I only drank 2 Smirnoff Ices tonight (at home) and that about tipped me over the edge. Guess my liver isn't too happy with me at the moment.

I think I mentioned previously that I had processed my film for my Art 400 class on Moanday. Well, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were all dedicated to producing contact sheets and various types of prints. They are f*ing AWESOME. I showed Jay, my masseur, what I had so far and he was impressed. According to him, I have an "eye" for the art. Makes me wonder why the hell I'm an English major. Oh, yeah, I remember. The curriculum for an art / photography major was insane. (but I never said that outloud!) Maybe, if I can get my scanner to do what it was designed to, I will post some pics for viewing.

I spent a lot of time today helping Angie (another photography student) get caught up. She was still working on processing her film and hadn't gotten around to making any contact sheets or prints. So, I helped her out until they closed the photo lab and kicked us out. I think there was a problem with the processing of her film because we couldn't get the contact sheets to come clean (er, not too light or dark). We made 3, but she is going to have to go to Colleen and have her take a look at them.

I've been spending the last few days reading the Chad Fox blog, trying to get an idea of what blogging is really like. I have to say, this guy is a BLAST to read. If you've ever wondered what gay life in San Francisco is like (or could be like, if you were THE Chad Fox) when you have ADD (the adult kind) and thing for photography and blogging, then this is the blog for you. I've been reading his post in order, from the earliest to the latest, and I think I am getting an idea what Chad is like. And his blog, too, for that matter.

Hmmm, guess it's time for another internet quiz:

You Are The Suave Gay Man

What Type Of Gay Man Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, my next post might be a tad boring, er, academic. I am going to talk about what a personal blog is like, and how it is a (sub) genre.

Ciao, ragazzi!


Blogger Lewis said...

I look forward to the scans of your prints. (Note: you can scan in 343 Denney during the evening and weekend lab hours.)

06 October, 2005 06:33  

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