Sunday, September 25, 2005

Recovery mode

Yes, I know, I shouldn't be out hitting the clubs all night, but what can I say? I LOVE TO DANCE!!! Well, I wasn't out all night, either. I hit the Union Station and played pool for a few hours with this cute neo-goth. Then he left and, since I couldn't get anyone to play with me (pool, you perverts!) I headed out for Axis. It was a little early, but I was bored and Howie (one of my favorite bartenders) was working hard and couldn't chat.

When I got to Axis, there wasn't anyone there. So I had another drink and hung around on the wall, watching the drag queens getting ready for their show. When the drink was done I hit the dance floor. It was just me and a little, black drag queen in training. Did I care? NO! Eventually more and more people arrived and joined us and I got lost in a crowd of gyrating, hot, sweaty people. I think I danced 3 hours straight, except for one bathroom break. Y'know, there was actually a line for the men's room. Knew I shoulda gone to the ladies... :)

So, I didn't get home until 3 and got to sleep sometime after 4. Then I get up at 10! WTF! Now I have to fight sleep off so that I can get all my homework done.

I was crawling through blogs this morning and found a link to one of those cool quizzes that tell you something about yourself. Very accurate, for me:

Sophia Petrillo
You are savvy, sassy and always on the go!
Even if it means borrowing someone else's
car without asking! Sometimes you say
the wrong thing at the wrong time, but
that's why we all love you!

Which Golden Girl Are You?

Hmmm, I think I remember holding a knife and laughing maniacally. Once or twice, anyway.

Well, tutti, I must be off. Chaucer ain't gonna read himself.

A domani!


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