Monday, September 26, 2005


OK, finally decided to drop a class. Now I only have 3 classes, none of which are on Tuesday / Thursday. I thought that I could do 20 hours, but... Oh, well. Something about this quarter feels different. Mebbe it's the party-boy in me coming back to life. Helene said I was nuts, but what does she know. She won't even go dancing with me. Weirdness. After all, she likes to hang out at gay clubs / bars.

Processed my first batch of black and white film today in my photography class. I didn't do too awful bad. The last few pics on each roll was ruined because the film kinked up. The rest look good, tho. Next time I'll know how to hold the film as I unspool it onto the reels. At least I wasn't the only one who made a mistake. Another guy did the same as I did, but only to one roll.

Saw Dean today. He is looking hot as ever. For those of you who want to know about Dean, you'll need to read my other blog: Bagelbuoy. You'll need to go to one of the first posts and read through the melodrama. Actually, that might be a good idea, as you will learn a lot about me.

Anyway, where was I... Oh, yeah, time for another quiz. I found this one a while ago, but I don't think it accurately represents me. But, then, that could just be who you ask.

Take the quiz:
"Your Bedtime Body Language (PICS)(Guys Only)"

Face Down
Studs who sleep on their stomachs have passion and energy. Your a hands on guy who tends to be punctual and successful. One caveat: Your propensity to hog the bed space with your sprawling position suggests you might be a tad controlling.

That's all for now, ragazzi. I must be off to bed and pretend to get to sleep before 3 am. Mebbe if I found a decent club to go dancing at on a Moanday night I could wear myself out faster. Then again, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night...

Allora, sono stancho. Ciao, tutti!


Blogger Lewis said...

Glad to see that they still teach film photography and darkroom technique :-)! I used to develop my own 35mm B+W film 30 years ago (here's an example), but I have succumbed to digital photography.

27 September, 2005 07:06  
Blogger bagelbuoy said...

A lot of companies are starting to not make black and white film / paper. Before long it is going to be very difficult to create black and white pictures the good old fashioned way. Hopefully that's a long way into the future because this is kinda fun!

27 September, 2005 09:01  

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