Sunday, October 09, 2005

Aargh, the pain!

OK, for anyone following my other blog, Wednesday was a very bad day for me. I woke up feeling crappy anyway, but as the day wore on the muscles in my back started spasming and tightening to the point that it hurt to sit, to stand, to walk, to turn my head... I think you get the picture. So I went home early, dug in to my medicine cabinet, and found the purty drugs I took last time this happened.

After a while, life was GOOD. I was watching the tele while floating on narctics, muscle relaxers, and anit-inflammatories. I got up to go to the kitchen to get a drink of water and promptly slammed my foot into the doorframe. OWWWIEEEEE! When I say slammed, I mean SLAMMED. I hit hard enough that I broke one toe and severely bruised the bone just behind the joint. Unfortunately, there was nothing the doctor could do. He wanted me to wear a surgical shoe for a few weeks, but, come on. I may not have that much fashion sense, but I'm certainly not going to wear a shoe that will make me look dorkier than I already am.

ANYWAY, I didn't let that slow me down. After being in the photo lab all day Thursday, I head for my favorite watering hole. Once there, I grab a spot at the bar and begin to work on Kyle, one of my favorite bartenders, according to David's Rule #1: Hot bartenders (male or female) are there to be flirted with and ogled at. After all, you can't do anything else to 'em, er, with them. And, considering I was feeling pretty flirty that night, I had a real good time. At least, I must've had a good time according to the voice memo I found on my mobile (it's not worth repeating, don't want to scare anyone).

I also learned that enough Long Islands will kill almost any pain.

Friday comes around and I'm supposed to go clubbing with my friend Helene. But NOOOO, she's sick. She dudn't want to go anywhere. Um, hello! I have a broken foot and I'm still going dancing. Severity of the situation: slight head cold or broken bone? Hmmm, I think I get to win on the whining front. So that put me in a right rotten mood, so, since I was all dressed up with no place to go, I decided to go out anyway. I totally ignored David's Rule #2: Never drink when you're in a violent bad mood. To make a long story short, I now have David's Rule #3: Never go out drinking alone. You'll end up either picking up bar/street trash, or you'll become bar/street trash. I won't go in to the gory details (on this blog, anyway).

Now we are at Saturday and, after Friday night, I decide I have to get outta the city and back to my roots. I gather up my photog equipment and head down to Hocking Hills. I took some excedrin and popped some anti-inflammatories. It's probably the only reason I was able to hike around all day getting pictures. Unfortunately, a lot of the pics came out blurry. Since the light level was soooo low I had to use a slow shutter speed. Therefore, any shaking from my hand would be picked up by the camera, resulting in a blurry pic. DMAN! About 1/2 of them are blurry. Still, I do have a lot of good pics for class.

Once I get back to the city, I head to the USVC for dinner, drinks, and to watch the Buckeye's lose. Following Rule #1 (above) I flirted heavily with my other favorite bartender, Howie. When he was too busy to be ogled at, I chatted up the lesbian couple sitting next to me. I finally went home and crashed. I woke up at about 3:30 or 4:30 (not sure which) to find the TV going full blast. The movie "Godzilla vs. Hedorah" was playing, which was just WEIRD. I had read about it on this other student's blog. OK, that's just too weird.

Finally, we make it to Sunday. Nothing much happening now. Catching up on work and browsing the web. I downloaded this cute photo:

Since the grays were too uniform, to tried my hand at adjusting the photo manutally. I added more contrast and changed the lighting a little to get this:

Yeah, I know, you can't see the face as well, probably why it was so light originally. However, the second photograph has much more detail. Guess all the photog classes are paying off after all! Just wish the resolution were a little better, but I don't have the original to play around with. Oh, and if you know who this guy is, tell him he's a great subject.

Well, now that I have this photo thing down pat, so to speak, it'll be easier to post some of my favorite pictures that I have done recently.

Ciao, tutti!


Blogger Lewis said...

About the back pain. Prevention is the key. My back has been going out -- or on the verge of going out -- for maybe ten years. Each episode would lay me flat out for days and force me to medicate and walk with a cane. I could never do the boring excercise the sports medicine doctor prescribed, but then I found Pilates. So far, it is working.

Saturday was certainly a challenge for forest photography. I was over at Glen Helen Reserve and John Bryan State Park near Yellow Springs. Like you, I was struggling with the low light (even though I was using a tripod) so I was usually sacrificing DOF to get a slightly faster shutter speed (I don't like cranking up the ISO "sensitivity"). On top of that, I was working with a new camera, so I wasn't making very good compositional choices -- too much other stuff to think about that is not yet second nature.

Here's a low-rez, small version of the only shot out of 50 that I can stand, and it is pretty much a cliché. C'est la vie.

09 October, 2005 13:19  

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