Monday, November 07, 2005

Thursday's Dirty Details III

Scene III: All About Garrett's

As most of you know, this serial story happened last Thursday. To understand how I got to this situation, you might want to read Scene I and Scene II.

OK, so Garrett's is a country-western gay bar. I've never been there as country-western is so NOT my scene. However, since I was basically the 10th wheel in a crowd of people I didna know, I couldn't exactly say I wanna go somewhere else. We get there, I walk in and pay my cover ($2 that night) see a stripper on stage, and hear the delightful voice of Miss Nina West!

A little digression. Miss Nina is a drag queen that does shows occasionally at Axis, the Union Station, and other places in the Short North. While I'm not normally into drag queens, she, at least, was someone I recognized.

Excitedly, I said to the Irish chick I was with, "I know that voice!" and began to look around for anyone in drag. I looked, and looked, and looked, all to no avail. There was no Miss Nina anywhere! Since nature was calling, and 4 Long Islands were desperately pushing past my bladder, I headed for the gents, did my business and then returned to the crowd. I looked around, found the crew I was with, and took a seat at the table they had commandeered.

As I looked around from that vantage point, I heard Miss Nina's voice again and, looking around, saw this guy walking around with a cordless mike. Just then, since my brain was somewhat pickled, I realized that a country-western bar wouldn't have a lot do to with drag queens. Let me tell ya, seeing Miss Nina outta character was too much of a shock.

The next thing I know the birthday boy is making his way on stage, followed by this tall, handsome, red-haired lad, who was taking off his belt. It was time for the birthday spakin'! Let's just say that everytime the b-day boy squirmed, complained, or even moved the wrong direction, Miss Nina (sans drag) made the stud start over. HEHEHE, too much fun! Glad I wasn't there for my b-day.

Eventually Miss Nina took pity on the b-day boy and had the bar bring up a sloppy jello shot (cherry, by the look of it). Studly took off his shirt and the b-day boy upended the shot onto studly's belly. Then SLURP! It took about a minute or so (the slurping, not the spilling) then the music started up and another stripper came on stage.

I turned to watch the stripper (he was quite good) and when I turned back the crew I was with were not in sight. Granted, I didn't make a circuit of the bar, but it wasn't that big. I could see every(one/thing) from from where I was sitting. Maybe they all had their backs to me or something. I'm not that good with backsides (clothed ones, anyway). So I got up and went out, thinking they had gone out for a fag (the British fags, not the American ones in the bar) or three. All to no avail. They weren't outside either.

Now, kittens, it's time to stop. Here ends Scene III. Domani, I will bring you Scene IV: The Trek Home.


Blogger Lewis said...

This story is making me feel very old and very str8, but you sure can spin a bar-hop yarn!

07 November, 2005 19:49  

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