Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Essay 2: What Makes a Good Blog (partito tre)


So far, we've looked at blogs done by Chad Fox and Daigle and have determined two things that make a good blog:

1) The post needs to be interesting to the reader
2) The grammar and syntax need to work, whether it is intentionally bad or not.

Now, lets look at a third blog and determine if these two criteria still apply and if we can determine any new criteria as to what makes it good. I have chosen to look at a blog done by La'akapu. La'akapu is a teacher in the Hawaiian islands (Oahu, I think) who is trying to get toned to be the perfect male specimen.

Applying the two criteria, can we determine if this is a good blog? Is it interesting? To me, not really. While I'm all into physical fitness (when there is time), his recent posts talk very little about gym activities. However, he does post his "inspirations". These inspirations are pictures of physically fit young men. His idea behind it is mentioned in his November 2 post, here: "it's always important to really visualize what you want your body to be like in order to get it subconciously ingrained in your system." OK, for me, this reason alone makes the blog interesting.

Is the grammar good? Mostly. Maybe I'm expecting too much from a teacher, but I got really disturbed and turned off when I saw this: "...the concept of cirriculum mapping online..." Isn't the correct spelling curriculum? And from the quote in the previous paragraph it should be "subconsciously" not "subconciously".

Another detraction against this blog is that it is a little narrow in focus. Granted, fitness is probably why he is writing his blog. However, both Chad Fox and Daigle write on many different subjects. Chad writes stories that keep me going back. Daigle posts stories about his life, both the interesting and boring. La'akapu writes about fitness. While fitness is fun, it does get rather tedious to read about constantly. So, point number 3: A good blog will have varied posts.

Another example of a really good blog is 15 Minutes More by Benjamin Nicholas. His posts are varied, he has good grammar and syntax, and I, as a reader, find the blog interesting.

So, to recap, the three things that make a good blog are:

1) The posts need to be interesting to the reader.
2) The grammar and syntax need to work, whether it is intentionally bad or not.
3) A good blog will have varied posts.

Like I said in the beginning, a good blog is one that I, or another reader, will come back to again and again. To me, these three items help make a good blog.


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